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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Trek : Legacy System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-12-26 20:01:19 Views : 12136 Money Cheat If you are brave enough to use the above cheat, you can also make the following modifications to the config.cfg file: cfg_COMMAND_POINTS_MULTIPLIER_FOR_DECOMMISSIONING_SHIP = 0.5 This command changes the amount of Command Points you get back for selling the ship. As you can see, it is currently set so that you get back half the command points you originally paid for a ship. By changing the .5 to, say, 2.0, you can get twice the money back. I have tried it up to 5.0, and it seems to work fine. Faster Transporters In certain cases you might need to toggle off the READ ONLY attribute first. Using your text editor alter the "rts_cfg.h" file in the game directory. Change the value in the "float TRANSPORTER_DELAY" entry to "0.0" (or "0.1"). Better Sensor Arrays In certain cases you might need to toggle off the READ ONLY attribute first. Using your text editor alter the "rangeScan =" to "32000.0f". Better Transporters In certain cases you might need to toggle off the READ ONLY attribute first. Using your text editor alter the "rts_cfg.h" file in the game directory. Change the value in the "TRANSPORTER_MAX = 5" line to a higher number to transport more people. Start with More Cash In the config.cfg file, apply the following change: // Starting balance cfg_InitialCommandPoints = 9999999 NO shield damage Only in the Campaign mode!! First make a backup of the config.cfg, then replace: cfg_SPPlayerDamageModifier = 0.35 with this: cfg_SPPlayerDamageModifier = 0.00 Note: this will only work in the Campaign mode, and remember to make a backup of the file in case you don't want to be in God Mode any more. When doing this ships under your command will not take any hull/shield damage. Unlock All Missions Find "art_cfg.h" file in the game directory. Change the "0" in the "GIVE_ALL_MISSIONS" line to "1". Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Star Trek : Legacy cheat codes.
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